On the 9th & 10th of October 2021, we had an outreach in Otukpo, Benue State, Nigeria, where we gave out 11 wheelchairs, some food items, and diapers to 20 children. Their joy was unspeakable!

A massive “Thank you” to all our supporters. May God, who is a rewarder, reward you immensely in Jesus’ Name.

As the needs amongst these children living with disabilities are enormous, would you consider partnering with us?

Donations can be given through:

  1. Bank transfer (Account name: Grace Miracle Ehigocho Foundation, Account number: 1017171532, Zenith Bank PLC, Nigeria)
  2. Paypal  –  @ donation@mypainyourgainministries.com with the reference: GME Foundation
  3. Gofundme – @ https://gofund.me/528f138c