n these series of “Waiting for Your Change”, we have considered waiting in Apathy (read more by clicking the following link – http://eyumocheolaoki.com/waiting-for-your-change/), and also waiting in Anxiety (http://eyumocheolaoki.com/waiting-in-anxiety/). The third way we shall now be considering, is to wait in Anticipation.


Anticipation means to wait with a hope of change. It is an expectant waiting, where you are looking forward, usually excitedly or eagerly for something to happen. It was anticipation that made Job say in Job 14:14 (KJV) ‘….. That all the days of my appointed time will I wait until my change come.’

If you are expectant, you will have hope because you know that what you are waiting for is just a matter of time. You would have a good understanding of God’s timing, knowing that He makes all things beautiful in its own time – Ecclesiastes 3:11. Being an expectant person means that you would have taken time to receive a ‘word’ from God concerning your situation. Then you hold on to that word until it produces the result that you are expecting. You would not give room to apathy neither would you be anxious because you are confident that God is able to do what He has promised. While you are waiting on/for God to manifest in your life or situations, you begin to make preparations. Making preparations for your expected miracle is a sure sign that you are expectant.

We can get a very good picture of being expectant from a pregnant woman, otherwise known as an ‘expectant mother.’ As soon as a woman becomes pregnant, all she will be looking forward to will be the day her baby will be delivered. Therefore all her plans, projections and preparations are centred on this baby. An expectant mother begins to shop for the baby even before the baby is born. She makes preparations for where the baby will sleep, what the baby will eat, what the baby will wear, and so on; even before the baby is born! A pregnant woman does not compare herself with another pregnant woman and say, “because my tummy is not as big as that of the other woman, or because I am not as big as the other woman, I am probably not pregnant.” NO! She sees the signs of pregnancy in herself, she feels the movement of the baby within her and she also believes the report of the doctor that she is pregnant. Even before she begins to feel the movement of the baby within herself, she is convinced that she is pregnant!

To be expectant, you need to be convinced! You get convinced as you study the Word report (The Bible) and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth and mysteries of the Word to you. Ask Him to personally speak to you concerning your situation and He will. You can also get convinced as you learn (by listening, watching or reading) of God’s miraculous acts in the lives of other people. Remember that if he did it for one person, He can also do it for you; ‘For there is no partiality with God’ (Romans 2:11).

Are you convinced that ‘with God all things are possible?’ Mathew 19:26, Mark 10:27

Are you convinced that nothing is too hard for Him to do? Genesis 18:14; Jeremiah 32:17&27

Are you convinced that God is personally interested in you and your case? Jeremiah 29:11

Are you convinced that God loves you and can turn every situation around for your good? Romans 8:28

Are you convinced that God is for you and not against you? Romans 8:31, 38-39

Once you are convinced about God’s capabilities and His promises, then being expectant becomes easy. Be expectant! Don’t give up! Wait on God and for God to bring His Word come to pass in your life. He is a timely God and will definitely show up for you and make your joy to overflow. Again I say wait on God to be convinced and to receive strength not to give up (Isaiah 40:31, Psalms 27:14), and wait for His time (Ecclesiastes 3:11) for your miracle.

Remember that if you cannot wait, you will waste! And before God puts you in high places, He will prove you through waiting!

I would love to hear from you, so are welcome to post your comments. God bless you!

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