How do I become active again after so many days of inactivity?

How do I manage in a crowd after weeks of isolation?

How do I get used to being busy again after such a long period of idleness?

How do I become mentally alert after a long season of mental laziness?

Will I be able to shake hands and hug my friends again?

These are questions that some people may find themselves asking as we move from this season of lockdown. Even though we have all had similar experiences, everyone’s situation has not been exactly the same. While some key workers were still going out to work during the lockdown, some others were working from home, and many others lost their jobs or were furloughed. Students (both old and young) had to stay away from the physical classroom. While some learned online and had assignments to keep them busy, many others were completely shut off from their studies. Many parents and guardians were automatically made home teachers, joggling it along with their many other responsibilities. To say that the lockdown caused by the Coronavirus pandemic was overwhelming to many is an understatement.

The United Kingdom went into lockdown on March 23 to curtail the spread of the virus, and we were all told to stay at home strictly. We were only allowed to leave the house for one of these reasons; shopping for necessities; partaking in one form of exercise a day; going out to meet a medical need, or travelling to work if it is absolutely necessary. As at the time of this write-up, it’s been ten weeks, and we have moved into the second phase of the easing of the lockdown based the three-phase approach announced by the prime minister, Mr. Boris Johnson to gradually ease and eventually lift the lockdown.

While people seem excited about the lifted restrictions, there is also a lot of apprehension about what lies ahead. We are thrilled about living a ‘normal’ life, and then we worry when we hear that it’s going to be new normal, wondering, “What does the ‘new normal’ even mean?” How are we going to function in this new normal?

I may not have answers to all your questions, but I can tell you that from my experience in life so far, that change has been one thing that never stops showing up every now and then. If you can take time to reflect on your own life journey, you will also agree with me that you have experienced many changes. Change is usually not comfortable; many times, it is overwhelming, yet it is the only constant in life. To survive and thrive in life, we must be willing to embrace change and adapt to it. So, whatever the new normal is, let us welcome it with a positive attitude, and I can assure you that everything is going to be fine, especially as we team up with God.

I would like to know how you feel about the lifting of the lockdown. Please share your comments.

Hello Friend.

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